Here's a profile of a girl,

Rui En is 169cm tall and weighs 47kg.

Born an Aquarius on 29th January.

She has A+ Blood, which some people believe are found in most intelligent human beings.

She believes in Christ the Lord and his son Jesus.

She is trying to brush up her Cantonese, but is fluent in English & Mandarin.

A believer in rest and relaxation, she loves beach-combing and reading, not forgetting shopping on the Internet!

Knowing that acting & singing is what she loves doing; she hops on to the Artiste Networks Wagon when a Contract was offered to her.

A fan of romantic comedies, she is still very much in love with Forrest Gump & Pretty Woman.

A 100% bubbly & optimistic gal who believes that love comes with chemistry and fades when feelings subsides!

An all Asian treat would be fantastic if you are thinking of giving her a feast.

Her ultimate goal would be to own an island on Maldives

Fave Singers: Missy Higgins, Sarah McLachlan, Martina McBride.

Fave Animal: Cats

Fave Colours: Green, Blue & White.

Fave Sports: Field Hockey & Tennis.

And.. Thats all for RuiEn...

The Dang-er

First Cry: 30/04/1991
Location: Singapore
Luff Little Miss Discontinued
Luff Chicken Rice

Rui En's Quote
"If you are everything to everybody, You end up being nothing to yourself."
“Our world has become very complicated, hasn’t it? I hope that 小冬 reminds you that things actually can be very simple, we just tend to complicate things for ourselves.”
“It only bothers me that it really bothers my fans.”
“I am only in competition with myself, no one else. To continually compare yourself with others is incredibly destructive. My only goal is to keep pushing myself to grow as a person.”
“Don’t compromise your beliefs, principles and integrity, no matter how hard it gets. Resist the easy way out, the process is so much more important than the end. Learn to be unselfish, considerate and unconditional. Build your self-worth with pure hard work and the resulting achievement, not with superficial things.”
“I will always be learning till the day I die, but this is what I can share with you now”

Rui En's Video

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    Code by: project_KE (Kite)
    Design by: project_KE (Kite)

    tested on both Mozilla Firefox v3.0.7 and Internet Explorer v7


    Time to study?
    Wednesday, February 11, 2009

    Alright, I'm so mad with my dad.. I was taking a rest from my 3 hours of study and all he see was I'm playing PSP and he conclude that I wasn't studying at all.. He didn't even see how much i study for the past 3 hours. Cant I even let my brain rest for like 5 mins? He asked how much am I planning to get for my O's this year. I was errrr... And he said "u cant even decide how much you want to get for O's?" Then how about going for courses in poly? I said I know what I'm doing. Don't have to worry so much. I know my limit..

    In return he banned me from using computer during the weekdays and only weekends but not during exam months.. So during Exam, I'm like totally banned from using computer.. ARGH!! But I know that O's is coming real soon.. Is like within months lol.. No longer years.. I cannot keep saying "aiya! O's not so soon mah".. It's really coming.. I cannot believe with the standard that I have now, I'm going to sit for O's. I confirm fail badly.. I know my dad wants me to study well and get good grades to go good courses. But, cant i just have a little rest time? Even if a 10mins usage of computer would be enough.

    The internet is actually a good sources for better learning.. I believe he knows if he continue letting me use the computer, I wouldn't study and would just "lock" myself at RBKD. Not that I'm blaming Rui En but I blame myself. Cos going to RBKD and "locking" myself there is my fault, but I'm so into the fun we had in RBKD.

    My dad was using RUI EN as an example to like "motivate" me. He was like "can u see how hard Rui En was study during her O's"? "U support her so much, go for all her events yet u didn't learn how much time she had spend in the past for studying"? "She had such a good education, even completed University, not only cos she is smart but she work hard too." "Can u even study hard for now, it's like only O's what if u reach poly? poly work is tougher then u think ok?"

    I was just keeping quiet through the whole session of "dad's advice talk". But what he said isn't wrong too. RUI EN study so hard and yet I'm like still slacking when O's is just in a few months time.. I should be studying now, using all my times that I have now and not wasting times on the internet chatting and surfing the net..

    But I took his advice to study for now. Once O's is over, I can enjoy for that short period before continue in Poly. The joy of collecting good grades during O's can replaced all the time not spend on the internet.

    Each time i say I'm going to study, I never did. NOW!! I really must start NOW!! THIS VERY MOMENT IN STUDYING.

    I cant waste anymore time. I really must start now.. But still RUI EN will always be with me.. I'm going to put on her songs and study till O's come.

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Rui En's Gong He Guo MV.
    Wednesday, February 4, 2009


    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    I hate life without....

    I just couldn't stand not having my spectacles on.. Shitty.. My spectacles broke yesterday night and corrupted all the things that I have got to do today and till the day I get my spectacle..

    I cant imagine watching RUI EN on TDC today without my spectacles and her face will be so unclear in my eyes.. ARGH!! ROAR~~~

    THE DREAMS CATCHERS IS SHOWING TODAY!! YEAH!!! At least there's something that cheer me up..

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Family Reunion dinner
    Sunday, February 1, 2009

    Just ended my family reunion dinner with my aunty and uncle.. Once again, a year have come.. It's always this tradition that they comes to my house for dinner as a respect to my dad who is their elder brother.. hahah.. Feel quite honor lol.. Dont even have to step out of the house.. Cool..

    But 1 thing i cant stand about people who come my house is that I DONT SEEM TO HAVE PRIVACY.. EVERYTHING I DO, THEY ARE JUST SO INTERESTED IN WHATEVER I'M DOING.. GOSH!!! I hate to have a lot of people around me.. Too complicated, Too much noise and worst, having cousin running around the house.. haix..

    But well, there is still fun lah.. Having to see all this little cousin being so engross in their games.. Hahahaha.. it's kind of funny.. Oh well, anyway, i'm still ok with having big groups eating together..

    I'm just not in the mood now!! Maybe cos of ......... so that why!! Just hope a little bit of luck will be with me..

    Probably i'm too rush into things, it's time i slow down and take a deep breath before continuing this LONG,TOUGH and rocky journey..

    Good luck everyone!!

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---