Here's a profile of a girl,

Rui En is 169cm tall and weighs 47kg.

Born an Aquarius on 29th January.

She has A+ Blood, which some people believe are found in most intelligent human beings.

She believes in Christ the Lord and his son Jesus.

She is trying to brush up her Cantonese, but is fluent in English & Mandarin.

A believer in rest and relaxation, she loves beach-combing and reading, not forgetting shopping on the Internet!

Knowing that acting & singing is what she loves doing; she hops on to the Artiste Networks Wagon when a Contract was offered to her.

A fan of romantic comedies, she is still very much in love with Forrest Gump & Pretty Woman.

A 100% bubbly & optimistic gal who believes that love comes with chemistry and fades when feelings subsides!

An all Asian treat would be fantastic if you are thinking of giving her a feast.

Her ultimate goal would be to own an island on Maldives

Fave Singers: Missy Higgins, Sarah McLachlan, Martina McBride.

Fave Animal: Cats

Fave Colours: Green, Blue & White.

Fave Sports: Field Hockey & Tennis.

And.. Thats all for RuiEn...

The Dang-er

First Cry: 30/04/1991
Location: Singapore
Luff Little Miss Discontinued
Luff Chicken Rice

Rui En's Quote
"If you are everything to everybody, You end up being nothing to yourself."
“Our world has become very complicated, hasn’t it? I hope that 小冬 reminds you that things actually can be very simple, we just tend to complicate things for ourselves.”
“It only bothers me that it really bothers my fans.”
“I am only in competition with myself, no one else. To continually compare yourself with others is incredibly destructive. My only goal is to keep pushing myself to grow as a person.”
“Don’t compromise your beliefs, principles and integrity, no matter how hard it gets. Resist the easy way out, the process is so much more important than the end. Learn to be unselfish, considerate and unconditional. Build your self-worth with pure hard work and the resulting achievement, not with superficial things.”
“I will always be learning till the day I die, but this is what I can share with you now”

Rui En's Video

RBKD forum. RBKD. Wan Bao(RE) Naomi(RE) Janyssa(RE) Candice(RE) Yoeng Leh. Kai Leng(RE) Pamela(RE) Shirley(RE) Zheng Fang(RE) Yue Ting(RE) Kim(RE) Joey(RE) Bee(RE). Rachel(RE) Kite(Dawn) Tiffany. Joyce(RE) Jolie(RE) See me not(RE) Liz(RE) Collen(RE) Archives

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    Monday, June 29, 2009

    What's with me, having mind block right at this time when I should be studying?????

    I suddenly don't understand what I'm doing.. I'm suppose to be revising for my upcoming major test. Yet everything is still so slacky? Why? No inspiration in doing anything now.. How come? I have got no answer.

    Why is everyone thinking I'm so obsessed with someone? when I'm not? Can't I even mentioned a little about HER? I hate it when people feel i'm too wild over HER, I'm not!!! Is it a crime to even talk about your idol, probably a little more on your idol? Does that have to conclude that I'm too obsessed? I really hate this feeling.. Really...

    I should learn from my idol to not care about what people say.. I probably should just have a BIG laugh to myself in my room... *hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha*.. and forget about what people said.

    but I'm not that strong like my idol does. I need to be stronger and braver in conquering any difficulty..

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Fotography @ Marina
    Saturday, June 27, 2009

    I'm back from photography together with RBKD people+Kite.. Hahahhahaa...

    Today was quiet a tiring day. Morning woke up and prepared then headed down to Chinese Garden to help out those disabled student.. Hahahah.. Miss Jasmine, Miss Joli and Miss Chye siang are all there. We had a great time with the student..

    They are just so easily contented, a simple game can make them happy for the whole day.. Hahhahah.. I start to love doing charity. Doing things and not asking for anything in return.. This is what I learned today from the help out..

    After the help out, Miss Jas send me, ivan and ying jie to AMK.. Ying Jie drop off at the station while me and ivan went for lunch with Miss Jas.. Hahahahah... Miss Jas brought us to her house nearby that coffee shop to have chicken rice.. And omg.. Ivan mentioned RUI EN and Miss Jas was like "who is rui en? the skinny one is it?". I was thinking to myself "Rui en seriously must eat more lah.. Even my teacher think she is skinny".

    From AMK, I headed down to Bishan to take a Train to Marina Bay and than head over to meet up with Bee and the rest of the RBKD members.. Yippie ah!! Really enjoy the time with them.. Took lots of picture.. *Uploading later*.

    Naomi, Jean and Kah Yin, went off while I stay with Bee, Xaby, Candice, Yan Ling, Phyllis, and a few to play Heart Attack.. Hahahaa.. It was so fun bonding with them.. Hope to have more chance. But definitely not this few weeks la..

    Anyway, End of Year, after O'level, heard from Miss Jas that the school is organising to go BeiJing.. I am given a chance. Probably I'll take this opportunity to go Beijing.. It will be so memorial towards my graduation.. If i choose to go, I would have to start saving for it now.. $750 for the trip, half being subsidies by the school. Hahaha..

    Anyway, everything gotta wait till my O'level are over then can decide.

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Friday, June 26, 2009

    I'm so not feeling well.. Hate heat rash..

    Anyway, today afternoon, went to meet brandon to collect something.. A present left by teresa.. Hahahah... Next took bus 14 to Ngee Ann City, Kinokuniya, to collect my book. "Veronika decides to die". Started reading the moment i got the book.. Hahahhaha..

    Followed by bus 65 going to Tampines, for the whole journey there, I wasnt paying attention to the surrounding, was just so into the book that I even forget to drop off when I reach the interchange.

    Meet up with Naomi, and then headed to Tampines Sports Hall for Table Tennis.. Seriously, I confessed that i'm a TABLE TENNIS NOOB.... Hahahhahahahahaa.............. We had a lot of differernt style of playing.. We played TT in a way that it's seriously the way to play badminton..

    Ended the TT at around 7.15pm than head over to KFC for dinner together with bee,corine,jean,me,naomi and kah yin.. Hahaha.. Had a great time there with them and eventually we formed a BBBFC(Baby Bee Bee Fanclub). Ok!!(the name does sound funny). And me and Naomi become Baby Bee Bee's manager.. Hahhaha.. Corine being the president/crazy fans.. Bused home together with them. Naomi and Corine joined us too, though its not the correct way for them..

    Hang-out with corine and naomi at Mos Burger after reaching woodlands.. Sorry gals, I wasn't feeling alright, so didnt talk much.. Hehehe.. and pls ah... I wasnt influence by Baby Bee Bee(*still use to calling her Bee).. I'm just so quiet when I'm not well and doesnt have enough sleep.

    Tomorrow got photography IPC with them again.. Cool ah.. 3 IPCs in a week.. Hahaha.. Wonder how we cope with it.. It's once again a bonding session together even without our idol.. We can still be close to each other.. This is what I luff about RBKD....

    Going to sleep, as tmr still got to go some disabled organisation to help out before going Photography at Marina..

    I'm so looking forward to it and hope to have fun there!!

    ***Picture will be up on facebook***

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Maths smile...
    Thursday, June 25, 2009

    Before today, when people asked me, when was the last time u smile during a maths lesson? My answer will always be "nope. I never smile in maths class". But today, that n years of cold ice berg expression during maths is gone and a smile is back..

    Reason being, I scored my first ever A1 in maths.. For someone who always failed maths, its considered one of a biggest improvement.. Thanks Ms Joli, though i always prefer Ms Jas teaching, but you never giving up patience on me, have made me gotten this smile..

    You and Ms Jas, are the 2 teachers who have inspired me into loving maths.. Thanks..

    Tomorrow got TT IPC, yeah.. so looking forward to it. Before that will be meeting friend to collect things then head to town to collect something which i have always been looking for.. Hahahhaha..

    I believe tmr will be a better day.. =D

    Maths is fun, Maths is cool, Maths is wonderful.. =)

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Simple note for someone simple
    Monday, June 22, 2009

    When I'm down and on the verge of giving up, you are always cheering me up,
    When I fall, you are always there to pick me up,
    When I cried, you comfort me,
    When I'm angry, you cool me down,
    When I feel I'm nobody, you are the somebody,
    When I hate being lonely, you are always there to entertained me.

    You show me luff, when I'm hurt,
    You show me light, when I'm in darkness,
    You are my "U", when I am the "n".
    You never failed to show me unconditional luff, when I need the most.

    I know you even when you don't know me,
    I must say, you have touch me through all you did.

    Thanks for all the things you ever can provide me,
    Thanks for knowing what I'm going through,
    Thanks for being there for me through my painful time,
    Thanks for yelling to let go of all the problem with me,
    Thanks for making me feel secure when I'm insecure.

    You've done so much that I don't know how I could repay you.
    You've given your best to me and for this, I can go on with life without any fear,
    because I know.......

    Whatever I have been through, You have gone through years before.

    I really appreciate what you have done,
    Thank you!

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Feeling down
    Saturday, June 20, 2009

    Today meet up with Naomi to go vivo for lunch and some other things.. After that went to Bukit merah to pass her friend something, then we end off the day there.. Bus home... While on bus, I think about lots of things.. Haiz.. July is coming soon and very soon, O'level will be here.. I still dont feel prepared yet..

    Feeling so down after dropping by someone blog. Sorry to that person. I did think about you when I went up to that person. But it looks like she didnt much remember seeing u. But only manage to recognise me.. Anyway, I do treasure the friendship between the 2 of us. I dont wish things would go bad anymore. I want this friendship with u, I dont wish to end it.

    I couldnt forget the happy times which we had before that incident happened.. I know things may change now but still hope we are still friends. I'm sorry for the cause of what u are feeling now. I dont want you to hold full responsibility, cos I did the same thing as you. Lets just don't talk about this for now.. whatever is done cannot be undone.

    I hope things will be better for us and may us not continue to let this problem be a barrier to our friendship.

    我的心情也不好受。井底之蛙的伤痛谁能了解。 毕竟有甩不掉的问题,但是希望希望,能够有解决的快乐方式,不想继续穿反心情,只想放手,释放一切痛。我知道这是一个极大的考验,但我相信,我能克服所有的考验,勇敢向前飞。

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Tired but its all worth
    Friday, June 19, 2009

    I must say, things happened very fast nowadays, be it good or bad, its happening too fast le.. I just realise, I dont have much time left. I have to chiong all the way now.. I cant slow down. I have to speed up double of my usual speed..

    I cant play for now, but I know, soon, after O's, I would be able to really enjoy what I deserved to be call "holidays".

    Till then, I shall give my very best in everything that I do. No more words said but action to be done.

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Thanks Yeong Leh
    Sunday, June 14, 2009

    Thanks Yeong Leh for chatting with me.. I know long distance call cost a bomb, but still thanks you for listening to my heavy trouble.. Hahahah.. You make me night without having any trouble and can simply go to bed without thinking of any problems.. Thanks you!! You are such a great friend who is really a help in time of need.

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---


    I just hate the feeling of being misunderstood!! Hate it Hate it!!!

    What wrong with me going out with a group of girls, so what if all my close friend are gals, must you see me in that kind of relationship? Cant girls just be friends, sisters or even bff(best friend forever)? I admit I didnt go church for the past 3 weeks, that because I have important to do, and yet you accuse me of not planning my time well..

    EH!! HELLO DEAR A****, you are only my cell group leader not my DAD... You cant control what I do, and I hate the feeling of being force to do something I dislike, PLS lah.. Get this point into you brain, you are only a leader not a parents of mine. Even my dad didnt complain about me joining fanclub and even understand that its ok to have friends who are girls, I see no problem in why my circle of friends cant be girls.. Must they all be guys, Man or even Uncles? Come on la.. Grow up pls.. I'm definitely not that type of person who will fall into that kind of relationship. I know what is right and wrong. And I dont need you to remind me of what I'm doing. I know every steps that I'm taking..

    And pls, dont doubt my idol, you dont even understand her and you eventually doubt her. My idol has totally got nothing to do with me not going church pls... Don't try pulling my idol into our problem, you created this problem, you have to solve it yourself.. Never try to bring MY Dear Idol into the picture. You are only making me hating you more...

    From what I learn in church, Christianity is a relationship not a religion. I understand my relationship with God and I definitely won't need you to come and tell me how to do things. So please stop telling my sister to speak to me, dont drag more and more people into your own created mess..

    I'm definitely not the type person you think about, so pls, GET IT right...

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Club Chalet
    Saturday, June 13, 2009

    Alright!! I'm so lazy to blog.. My eye lid are so heavy.. I'm like trying to keep myself awake and finish this blog post. I am like half closing my eyes, half typing...

    Anyway, Chalet was super fun and I seriously enjoyed the fun I had with them for the past 2 days..

    First night, Me and Naomi reach quite late as we need to get some stuff for the chalet. We reach around like 9pm, and they were already playing "Don't Forget HER lyrics".. It's so cool.. Hahah.. everyone gets their chance in playing that. We then chit chat, play "true or dare" and NOT forgetting PJs night... Hahaha.. Slept around 3am going to 4am...

    2nd day, I wake up at around 10am, slack till about 12plus, then went out with Naomi and Jean to grab lunch.. Hahahah.. We had KFC(me and Naomi are KFC lover not Xaby kek FC lah..), I bought zinger burger meal and then I went to buy Kaya Toast too.. Hahaha.. (I know I eat a lot). Hahahha.. Proceed back to chalet after buying lunch, had lunch while watching HER drama.. It's HER drama marathon.. Hahaha... I didnt really watch much lah.. A few ep for the many drama shown.. Drama like H&P, Meta, You are the One and A promise for Tomorrow.. HAHAHAHA.. With like only 2 laptop we manage to watch all these show.. Hahaha..

    Final night, BBQ starts like 6pm, from preparing till starting to BBQ, hahaha.. I seriously love Xin Yi's pork chop, although it taste a bit salty, but its nice.. Hahaha.. Someone surprise us with a visit, Thanks lor.. Didnt know you will make the special appearance. As usual, Xaby and Joey, our RBKD actress, had their performance for Someone and us also. It's always a laughing and entertaining time with the both of them.. Hahaha.. Send Someone off and we continue with the BBQ till like 12am,


    Final Day, Check out at 10.20am, went home with Naomi to go collect my laptop,
    then went home.. Tired Tired Tired!!!!

    Post a few pic to end everything.

    Happy Birthday KITE!! =D

    Never leaving our idol even in the midst of Chalet.

    PJs night!! Luff!!

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Hotel Manager aka NAOMI
    Wednesday, June 10, 2009

    Hey hey... Blogging from DEAR NAOMI house aka Hotel Manager place. Hahahahha... Morning was filled with lesson as per normal.. 10.15pm to 3.15pm.. Then CCA at 4.30pm!! HAHAHHAHAA... PHOTOGRAPHY IS FUN FUN FUN!!! LOVE IT LOVE IT.. I'M LOVIN IT..

    THANKS MISS JAS, for the ride to the outdoor shoot and back to school.. You sure have a great driving skills. I see a different teacher today!! Hahahha.. You dont have to apologise for the sudden brakes, I dont mind actually, I enjoyed the day out shooting with you and others photography mates..

    Good thing for now is, I still havent got any home-sick.. I hope won't have home-sick.. I try to minimize my level of home-sickness.. Hahahaha.. Maybe because I still have my laptop with me.. Hahhaha..

    Seriously, NAOMI place is super cool.. I just love the way the decoration is, and how each individual funiture is being place to make the place so much different from the usual hotel that we get to see. I would say even the 5-stars hotel couldn't even compare with her place. Hahahaha...

    Dear Naomi,
    You have make me decided to stay here for the rest of my life(jkjk). Hahahah.. I will come back as often as I can.. Hopefully after my O's, I'll come and stay longer.. I'm really gonna miss staying at your place.. No where I can find another hotel that is as nice and beautiful as your house. Hahhaah.. DONT YOU DARE MOVE HOUSE OK? Hahahah.. Thanks for keeping me for the night.. EXCELLENT SERVICE!!! :)

    I'll better get going!! Still got lesson tomorrow morning till late afternoon, thereafter, will head down for chalet which i'm so looking forward to. Hahahah.. PJs night here I CCCOOOOMMMMEEEE.........

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    its the RE cells
    Monday, June 8, 2009

    OH MY GOODNESS!!! ITS HER CELLS.... RE CELLS... LOL... Why must she make me so high over her?


    Hope to see her soon for a photo taking session...

    Dear Miss Lu,
    Dont forget that you owned me a picture of the 2 of us!! I'll remember what you said!! Hahahah.. and omg!! its time for you to gained some weight.. You are way too skinny. Must eat more since u are super free now! I understand you eat a lot, but you also lose a lot.. I hate the feeling of seeing your bone and veins.. So hope to see a more fleshy MISS LU next time..

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Saturday, June 6, 2009

    TOMORROW!!!!! 7PM!!!!! OMG~~~~ HIGH!!!!

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Friday, June 5, 2009

    Today is another day where I'm so wide awake.. All thanks to that afternoon nap which took me 2hours of my noon time.. Hence, I became an owl of my family today.. Since I was so bored, OF COURSE, the only thing which I can do, other than Studying(pls la spare me sometime to really enjoy my hols can?), So the next time I'll do is to watch Happy Loner's drama.. Hahahaha.. OKOK!!! I seriously are so use to typing her name as Happy Loner.. But obviously, I wouldnt call her that when we meet face to face..

    I went back to watching METAMORPHOSIS.. OMG!! Seriously, I cant forget about Meta, it's just a reminder on how I started going overdose of RUI EN... This was the drama that makes me so HIGH over her.. When it first aired, I only managed to catch from ep 6 or 7, couldn't quite remember.. (pai seh!! watch M times of Meta that I couldn't be sure which is the one I miss out).
    Metamorphosis, left me with a very deep impression, firstly cos it's an action pack drama which
    I hardly see in most sg drama.. The casts of course left an impression too.. With RUI EN being An Xiao Qian, ASP of the team, it's definitely a nice drama that can never be forgotten. Her emotional scene in Meta had caught my attention..

    I specially like ep 17-20.. The propose scene was so special that it makes me wonder would any couples use this methods? But first how do u get the ring into the orange without cutting the orange.. Hahaha.. Ep 19, my favourite ep and believe is also most of the RE's fans favourite.
    Super touching when it comes to ep 19, I dont know why, but each time I watch ep 19, I tend to cried a little.. Aiyoh!! I cant imagine if I ever get use by my friends in something bad, moreover this is the husband lor.. Xi cun is so evil when he comes to ep 19, He really hurt Xiao Qian feeling luh.. No wonder Xiao Qian is so sad, so deeply hurt by someone she trusted the most. Haiz..

    I love the hospital scene, that when her emotional scene really touches me.. I wonder how long does she take to do a crying scene. I seriously cant cry within minutes la.. Ep 20 to me is average, not that interesting(my own point of view), just that it's very sad finale, like when Xi Cun died in Xiao Qian's arm, Woah.. I seriously going :-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::( tears just flow down like an open tap, can u imagine, your most beloved one dying in your arm? and the killer is your best friend? I will go crazy lor..

    Anyway, I really love Yang Xi Bin product, his is always differents from the usual family drama.. He create a very differnet story and bring it out so differently.. Is there any awards like BEST DIRECTOR awards? Can someone just reward YXB with A Best Director Awards? I cant wait for his next product. Sure going to be so intersting!! =D
    Picture time!! Decided to upload only 5 of my best Meta Pic..

    Up next should be either on BMS or MSD.. Depends when will I be an night owl again.. Hahahah..
    Oh well! Being an owl once in a while is quite cool!! =D
    Upload more pic tmr. BLOGGER IS GIVING SUCH A BIG PROBLEM..

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Cycling + Farewell to Naomi
    Thursday, June 4, 2009

    Awww... My Butt Hurts

    Yesterday cycling trip was fun!! Hahahaa.. Before the cycling trip, I met up with Naomi to go Bugis to get purchase my slipper. Hahahaha.. Than went down to the usual place to meet up with Jolie for lunch, after Lunch we head down to Pasir Ris, to meet the others who are going for the cycling..

    We started cycling from 5pm to about 6.45pm.. Candice was crowned as the "Road Hazard" cos of her speed cycling.. She is really fast at cycling.. Scary luh.. After that we went for dinner at White sands. Dinner and chit chat till about 8.30pm then we went home individually.. Hahaha..

    Today, wake up at about 7am! (: . I promise to send Naomi off. She is off to China till 9 Jun.. Hence decided to send her off, make my way down her house then cabbed to Airport.. Hahaha.. We crap while on the way there.. Slack with her till about 11am, before she went into the departure hall.. Gonna miss, Miss Naomi TOMATO da jie.. Bon voyage!!

    This coming weekends is going to be busy for me.. YEAH!! I cant wait to see HAPPY LONER again!! It's been a month since I last saw her.. But monday onwards, its back to books.. SAD!! Why must it be the next day after I see HER that I have to return... AIYOH!! =0

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Back view
    Monday, June 1, 2009

    In a cafe, with many people walking around, Came this girl, probably in her late 20s, ordered a cup of ice coffee, search for a seat and sat down..

    She caught my attention, she is so mature, reading a book called "revolutionary road", so relax and enjoying her cup of coffee, looked up and smile to me. In being polite, I smiled back to her, she then turned her back facing me. From that moment, I kept wondering, what was that smile for? A basic manners? I don't know.

    In T-shirt, Shorts and Slipper, resting herself on a soft sofa seat with her favourite ice coffee and probably her favourite book, she is so into reading that she kept the surrounding far away from her. The noise level wasn't able to distract her from the words, the lines and the many different stanza..

    She totally had got no expression, you feel cold going near her, but eventually as you observed deeper, you realise her cuteness. sitting crossed legged, shaking her leg,she doesn't bother how people see her sitting posture..

    Taking a few sip of her ice coffee every 8mins, she wouldn't pause till she end with a chapter. My sight never left her back view, even till she left the cafe...

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---