Here's a profile of a girl,

Rui En is 169cm tall and weighs 47kg.

Born an Aquarius on 29th January.

She has A+ Blood, which some people believe are found in most intelligent human beings.

She believes in Christ the Lord and his son Jesus.

She is trying to brush up her Cantonese, but is fluent in English & Mandarin.

A believer in rest and relaxation, she loves beach-combing and reading, not forgetting shopping on the Internet!

Knowing that acting & singing is what she loves doing; she hops on to the Artiste Networks Wagon when a Contract was offered to her.

A fan of romantic comedies, she is still very much in love with Forrest Gump & Pretty Woman.

A 100% bubbly & optimistic gal who believes that love comes with chemistry and fades when feelings subsides!

An all Asian treat would be fantastic if you are thinking of giving her a feast.

Her ultimate goal would be to own an island on Maldives

Fave Singers: Missy Higgins, Sarah McLachlan, Martina McBride.

Fave Animal: Cats

Fave Colours: Green, Blue & White.

Fave Sports: Field Hockey & Tennis.

And.. Thats all for RuiEn...

The Dang-er

First Cry: 30/04/1991
Location: Singapore
Luff Little Miss Discontinued
Luff Chicken Rice

Rui En's Quote
"If you are everything to everybody, You end up being nothing to yourself."
“Our world has become very complicated, hasn’t it? I hope that 小冬 reminds you that things actually can be very simple, we just tend to complicate things for ourselves.”
“It only bothers me that it really bothers my fans.”
“I am only in competition with myself, no one else. To continually compare yourself with others is incredibly destructive. My only goal is to keep pushing myself to grow as a person.”
“Don’t compromise your beliefs, principles and integrity, no matter how hard it gets. Resist the easy way out, the process is so much more important than the end. Learn to be unselfish, considerate and unconditional. Build your self-worth with pure hard work and the resulting achievement, not with superficial things.”
“I will always be learning till the day I die, but this is what I can share with you now”

Rui En's Video

RBKD forum. RBKD. Wan Bao(RE) Naomi(RE) Janyssa(RE) Candice(RE) Yoeng Leh. Kai Leng(RE) Pamela(RE) Shirley(RE) Zheng Fang(RE) Yue Ting(RE) Kim(RE) Joey(RE) Bee(RE). Rachel(RE) Kite(Dawn) Tiffany. Joyce(RE) Jolie(RE) See me not(RE) Liz(RE) Collen(RE) Archives

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  • Credits

    Code by: project_KE (Kite)
    Design by: project_KE (Kite)

    tested on both Mozilla Firefox v3.0.7 and Internet Explorer v7


    Just another day...
    Monday, August 24, 2009

    You keep me drowning in your love......

    Everything is alright for me today.. Had EL oral today.. Not that bad.. Everything is easy to me lah.. From reading passage to conversation.. Hahahahah.. What a good convo I had.. Asking me about "shopping".. LOL...

    Pris is finally back to sch... After like 2weeks.. Oh my best buddy.. You are finally back.. My partner to keep me entertain.. muhahahahahhaha... Anyway, had such a short day in sch today.. Only attended like half physics class and a full chem practical plus chinese lesson and there I go for my Oral..

    Anyway, my sch came this board to inform us about O's.. It's a countdown board to be exact.. AND OMG... they placed it at a place where it so obvious.. GOSH!!! 58more days to O's.. DIE DIE DIE.... I SERIOUSLY NEED RUI EN'S BRAIN CELLS...

    I'm gonna really start from tomorrow onwards.. No time to delay anymore.. My future will be gone if i continue slacking.. *mich oh mich... it's time to study..*

    Okie.. So after EL oral, meet up with naomi and went clementi to da bao lunch before heading to her house to watch my cutie YUKIKO.. hahahahaha.. AND OMG... Got this part of the show, can see her "EN" Tattoo.. I was like omg.. HER "EN" Tattoo..

    *mich oh mich arh!! didnt you said you want to focus on exam? still talking about yukiko*

    I really have to start reminding myself that I'm having O's this year and not the following year.. Hahahhaha..

    Tmr gonna be darn guai to go for physics remedial.. Aiyoh!! Class will end at 6pm.. Than go study till 9pm than go home.. Home is too hard for me to Study.. Cos got super lots of distraction.. Argh!!

    Ohh.. Poor lappy... you are going to be alone these few days.. Probably you will be remain off till weekends comes.. sob sob~~~

    Time to hit that bed in the corner of my house.. Hahahaha... Buh Bye!!!

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Saturday, August 22, 2009

    Hey Hey.. It's 37mins after DEAR NAOMI's birthday. PHEW~~~ OH WELL... What a tiring day is for me today.. RUSHING so many things, still many things are kept undone.. OH NO!!!!! Someone pls dont remind me of mon. Thanks!!!

    It's 17 days to PRELIMS, 48DAYS to O'level.. OH MY TIAN AH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    I really got to start Studying hard... ARGH!! Time is passing at the speed of light(3x10^8). Can you imagine, 17days later would be my prelims.. Its time I start having tough revision and put in the effort.. No time to play anymore..

    Anyway, Today was quite a fun and I mean a REALLY F-U-N day.. Firstly it's NAOMI's birthday.. BIG 20!!! Hahahahha... And she got her wish fulfilled.. We got a message from Manager Lim saying that someone's car is parking at MDC.. Woah!!! How can we as her fans do nothing.. So we got so excited that me, kah yin and naomi started preparing prezzie for HER.. Hahahaha...

    I went to meet up with naomi than cabbed to MDC.. While on cab we were so worried that she might left without us reaching.. But well.. Guess we came real early and wait for about close to 2hours before seeing sight of HER car driving out..

    As she got to work tomorrow morning, she didnt have much time with us. We had a quick talk, a quick photo taking and than BYE BYE RUI EN... Hahahaha..

    4 of us(Naomi, me, kah yin and wt) cabbed back to Naomi's place for late dinner, early supper.. Hahahah.. We had a great time and really enjoy ourselves.. What's more, we were so glad we saw HER.. As usual lor, She chase us to go home.. AIYOH!! PLS LAH DEAREST MISS LU RUI EN, tmr is sat.. NO SCH..

    We stayed at Naomi's place till about 11.20pm before going home.. Me, wt and kah yin share cab home as it was very late and we couldnt be in time to catch the train..

    Anyway, pictures will be up by tmr.. Currently my com is abit screwed up... Continue more tomorrow..

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    A post after weeks
    Friday, August 7, 2009

    Hey. Oh well!! Hasn't been blogging since like weeks ago. Geek!! Can't believe I can eventually get so busy. Actually not really busy. Just nothing to post.

    Anyway, had been having sore throat since 1st aug till now. Got confirm on throat infection on 4th aug..

    3rd aug was even worst, as deb confirm that she is down with H1N1 on 1st aug. Gotta stay home for 7days.. Next up was pris who also caught the virus. It's like OMG... They are 2 of my closest friend in sch. Luckily me, myself didnt caught.

    Anyway, got to return sch on tues.. OH NO!!!! PRELIM IS COMING REAL SOON!! *FAINT*

    Dont know what to write. Continue next time(:

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---