Here's a profile of a girl,

Rui En is 169cm tall and weighs 47kg.

Born an Aquarius on 29th January.

She has A+ Blood, which some people believe are found in most intelligent human beings.

She believes in Christ the Lord and his son Jesus.

She is trying to brush up her Cantonese, but is fluent in English & Mandarin.

A believer in rest and relaxation, she loves beach-combing and reading, not forgetting shopping on the Internet!

Knowing that acting & singing is what she loves doing; she hops on to the Artiste Networks Wagon when a Contract was offered to her.

A fan of romantic comedies, she is still very much in love with Forrest Gump & Pretty Woman.

A 100% bubbly & optimistic gal who believes that love comes with chemistry and fades when feelings subsides!

An all Asian treat would be fantastic if you are thinking of giving her a feast.

Her ultimate goal would be to own an island on Maldives

Fave Singers: Missy Higgins, Sarah McLachlan, Martina McBride.

Fave Animal: Cats

Fave Colours: Green, Blue & White.

Fave Sports: Field Hockey & Tennis.

And.. Thats all for RuiEn...

The Dang-er

First Cry: 30/04/1991
Location: Singapore
Luff Little Miss Discontinued
Luff Chicken Rice

Rui En's Quote
"If you are everything to everybody, You end up being nothing to yourself."
“Our world has become very complicated, hasn’t it? I hope that 小冬 reminds you that things actually can be very simple, we just tend to complicate things for ourselves.”
“It only bothers me that it really bothers my fans.”
“I am only in competition with myself, no one else. To continually compare yourself with others is incredibly destructive. My only goal is to keep pushing myself to grow as a person.”
“Don’t compromise your beliefs, principles and integrity, no matter how hard it gets. Resist the easy way out, the process is so much more important than the end. Learn to be unselfish, considerate and unconditional. Build your self-worth with pure hard work and the resulting achievement, not with superficial things.”
“I will always be learning till the day I die, but this is what I can share with you now”

Rui En's Video

RBKD forum. RBKD. Wan Bao(RE) Naomi(RE) Janyssa(RE) Candice(RE) Yoeng Leh. Kai Leng(RE) Pamela(RE) Shirley(RE) Zheng Fang(RE) Yue Ting(RE) Kim(RE) Joey(RE) Bee(RE). Rachel(RE) Kite(Dawn) Tiffany. Joyce(RE) Jolie(RE) See me not(RE) Liz(RE) Collen(RE) Archives

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  • Credits

    Code by: project_KE (Kite)
    Design by: project_KE (Kite)

    tested on both Mozilla Firefox v3.0.7 and Internet Explorer v7


    O's on the go..
    Friday, October 30, 2009

    HEY HEY EARTHLING.. Anyone at my blog? *HELLO*

    O's has started for a week.. Well, so far so good.. I hate MATHS PAPER 2... SUPER TOUGH.. all the angles question is really killing me.. I must share this, 90% of my whole entire sch people that take O's this year skip maths paper 2 qns 7.. It's ridiculous.. Wah lau.. so complicated can.. We might as well just forget about doing.. HAHAHAHA..

    Upcoming will be Sci, Lit and chinese than can go east coast park and have a campfire with all our textbook and paper.. wohooo..... Hahahahaha..

    I cant wait for RBKD's first birthday bash.. It's gonna be darn cool... and and and.... My sch cambodia trip.. *ok!! i still blame them for me going Ang Kor Wat but never mind it's CAMBODIA* hahahah..

    I want holidays to come soon!! HAHAHAHA... (:

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    The start of the final race
    Wednesday, October 21, 2009

    Hey hey...


    The final race will start tmr and all the way till 111109..

    Thankfully, this year, SOMEONE very kind enough not to have any drama during O's period.. Hahahha.. Thanks ah.. Luff that CHEETAH that hated 2.4km run but yet will be running 10km this coming sat..

    Hahahah.. Nike human race is coming is 3days... Totally not prepared.. Can I also have a trishaw uncle? thanks.

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    100th post.. wuahahahaha..
    Friday, October 16, 2009

    YAY... Like finally!!! Ended my last proper intensive lesson for O's.. Had maths intensive today.. Super the cool lah.. I guess I will miss all my teachers and friends in school.. They are really a bunch of crazy classmates man!! Hahahahah.. Sch days are never boring with them around me.. Hahahah.. Lesson from 1130 to 430.. Suppose to go for Sci practical but too tired luh.. So skip it!! **OKOK!! I PROMISE IT'S THE LAST TIME I SKIP SCI PRACTICAL**

    Lunch time went to meet Naomi for lunch at Mac.. Hahahah.. Some of my classmates were there too.. Had such a great time crapping with Naomi.. YAY!! Tmr we are going to collect our race pack..

    Went back to sch after lunch for maths intensive again*(yes! again! =.=). Lesson wasn't that bad.. Did paper 2. Gosh!! I think I confirm CMI for paper 2.. NO!! *Must get C5 for paper 2.. Aim to get a B4 for Maths.. JIAYOUS to myself lah!! =.=. Ok!! Those that are close to me know I can be super lame.. Hor NAOMI!!

    Anyway, Me and Naomi went chinatown today cos we lazy to go our usual place.. Hahaha.. I was like standing at Bukit Merah after Naomi buy her favourite Butter Cake, than our convo goes this way

    Naomi: Where you want go now?
    Mich: I dont want go usual place..
    Naomi: Than?
    Mich: I suddenly feel like going Chinatown
    Naomi: Huh? Why suddenly want go Chinatown?
    Mich: Don't know..

    We have no specific reason on going Chinatown.. Not wanting to see THAT PERSON.. We went chinatown point Mac to chit chat before taking 143 home..

    Reach home to realise I've got a surprise mail.. HAHAHAHA.. From my DEAR LAO PO YVONNE!! My best classmate in sch.. Hahaha.. Lao Po Yvonne still remember that I told her I like Domo!! AHHHH!!!!! Than Lao Po Yvonne got me this Domo note-book.. *HIGH-ING over DOMO*... HAPPY DAO SIAO LOR... hahahaha... *Yue ting xiao mei ah!! Dont snatch from me hor.. heeeeee* *evil laughter*

    Anyway, O's gonna start in 6days!! *faint* *die* *jump down the building*.... NO!! CANNOT.. *I still want see THAT PERSON in THAT role.. hahahahahah.. GONNA MUG MUG MUG.. Won't blog till O's is over, and that's like 3weeks? gosh!!! *How to survive lah* *TELL ME, TELL ME*

    Ok!! Enough of blogging!! BUH BYE EARTHLING(omg.. that word reminds me of THAT person)

    Thanks Yvonne Lao Po for that surprise.. *Smile till jaw drop*

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    A slogan not to be forgotten
    Friday, October 9, 2009

    I was reminded about this slogan which I can never forget..

    Traversing The Road Less Traveled, Lux Veritas

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    A small little gift
    Wednesday, October 7, 2009

    I was chatting with this new friend I’ve known a few days ago, A RE’s fans too.. Hahahah.. To my surprise, Candia(*new RE’s fans*), did something for me, little things that include HER(RE) Hahahah.. This little gift came as a source of motivation.. Reminding me of the luff that I will never forget.

    Thanks Candia.. You should know You have made my day a happy one.. :D

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    2nd stay at N hotel
    Saturday, October 3, 2009

    Hey hey hey... hi hi hi... ho ho ho..(*ok.. it sound as though its a christmas post).. NOPE... Christmas hasnt come yet.. It's 19more days to O's according to the time now. I have just gotten back my prelims results... Didnt do quite well.. gonna chiong for these coming 19days... Intensive class start this coming monday.. Gonna "pia" all the way..

    I met up with Naomi at Tiong Bahru while she went there to change her ez-link card.. Hahaha.. We later head to orchard to get some stuff before meeting a friend back at tiong bahru.. We met up with Jess lee to come out for a chit chat.. More like a crappy session.. Hahahah... We had lots of fun.... REAL FUN!!! :)

    At around 6pm, we headed to NTUC to get some stuff before going Naomi's place.. Jess lee bid farewell to us at the bustop, while me and naomi headed back to Naomi's place.. We watch Miss J for 3 straight hours.. hahahahahaha... Than as it's too late, i decided to stay over at Naomi's place, so here I am, blogging using her laptop..

    *THANKS DEARIES NAOMI*... Hahahah.. U know your own status between me and you.. So yup.. thanks thanks... Thanks for keeping me in your house.. The one which i call a nursing home, a hotel or whatever... I enjoy the dinner, although wasnt cook by you.. Hahahah..

    That's all bah.. Oh ya.. xy chatted with naomi regarding on some issue about me.. gosh!!! Seeing her msn message always makes me so stress.. But luckily she was friendly enough to keep on "haha" to lighten to atmosphere.. Anyway, glad to have such a good pres..

    Blog more after O's bah.. "PIA"

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---