Here's a profile of a girl,

Rui En is 169cm tall and weighs 47kg.

Born an Aquarius on 29th January.

She has A+ Blood, which some people believe are found in most intelligent human beings.

She believes in Christ the Lord and his son Jesus.

She is trying to brush up her Cantonese, but is fluent in English & Mandarin.

A believer in rest and relaxation, she loves beach-combing and reading, not forgetting shopping on the Internet!

Knowing that acting & singing is what she loves doing; she hops on to the Artiste Networks Wagon when a Contract was offered to her.

A fan of romantic comedies, she is still very much in love with Forrest Gump & Pretty Woman.

A 100% bubbly & optimistic gal who believes that love comes with chemistry and fades when feelings subsides!

An all Asian treat would be fantastic if you are thinking of giving her a feast.

Her ultimate goal would be to own an island on Maldives

Fave Singers: Missy Higgins, Sarah McLachlan, Martina McBride.

Fave Animal: Cats

Fave Colours: Green, Blue & White.

Fave Sports: Field Hockey & Tennis.

And.. Thats all for RuiEn...

The Dang-er

First Cry: 30/04/1991
Location: Singapore
Luff Little Miss Discontinued
Luff Chicken Rice

Rui En's Quote
"If you are everything to everybody, You end up being nothing to yourself."
“Our world has become very complicated, hasn’t it? I hope that 小冬 reminds you that things actually can be very simple, we just tend to complicate things for ourselves.”
“It only bothers me that it really bothers my fans.”
“I am only in competition with myself, no one else. To continually compare yourself with others is incredibly destructive. My only goal is to keep pushing myself to grow as a person.”
“Don’t compromise your beliefs, principles and integrity, no matter how hard it gets. Resist the easy way out, the process is so much more important than the end. Learn to be unselfish, considerate and unconditional. Build your self-worth with pure hard work and the resulting achievement, not with superficial things.”
“I will always be learning till the day I die, but this is what I can share with you now”

Rui En's Video

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    Code by: project_KE (Kite)
    Design by: project_KE (Kite)

    tested on both Mozilla Firefox v3.0.7 and Internet Explorer v7


    Days in Cambodia
    Saturday, November 28, 2009

    The sun is super sunny outside the hotel room, but right inside the aircon tempreature is set at 26degrees, but yet it feel like 6degrees.. Freezingly cold.. I just had a hot bath but guess it doesn't really help.. I'm feeling even more colder.. With 1 jacket and a blanket wrap around me, I still can't warm my body... Brrrr!!!! My hands are shivering as i'm blogging now..

    It's my 11th day here in Cambodia, I have somehow adapt to the life here.. The life here is really simple.. The people are living hand to mouth daily.. Asking nothing more, but to have a meal at the end of a day.. I see the real innocent face of those cambodian kids.. Having no technology like computer, psp, handphone etc etc, they still live their life happily.. To them, playing in the sand by the road-side can be one that they look forward to everyday. This is the kind of life i can never find back in singapore..

    I've learn to appreciate what i have back in singapore.. I always make complain about not having the best things but when i'm here, I realise many kids or even teenager of my age doesn't even have a phone. Some even have to share tv with their neighbour.. The living condition here really couldn't be compare to singapore... They are living in slum and it's worse than kampong.. They have to prepare that anytime their house may just be flooded by rain water..

    I thank God for giving me such a good life in singapore, although i dont have the best thing in life but God had send me to Cambodia to experience a life changing moment.. This 14days will be a life changing time for me.. I'll bring back what I've see here in cambodia back to sg..

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Day 2 in Cambodia
    Thursday, November 19, 2009

    It's my day 2 over at cambodia.. It was quite a terrible one.. After breakfast, I was down with diarrhoea, and the next time I know is by lunch time, I'm totally in pain that I have no strength to walk, I have to be carried by my teacher to upon alighting the van which drove my friend and I to the hospital. We both were down with food poisoning.

    Given it was my first time coming to cambodia, everything was so new to me, I was worried about communication breakdown, can they really treat me well?, Do they have the medical techonology etc etc...

    The next time I know was that I was put on drip for about 5hrs.. Gosh!! I practically just slept through the whole dripping session.. Hahahah... Over-tired plus the pain was so terrible.. But with the medication and drip, I start to gained back some strength.. Thanks GOD!!

    The nurse and doctor over there are just so nice.. They are really devoted to their job, they really show me that they do their job perfectly. Every patient was assigned to 1 nurse and doctor, *OOH!! SO COOL!*. The nurse over there will just sit beside your bed and watch you to see if you need anything.. The doctor would check on your every 1hr to make sure you are getting better... wow wow wow... Hahaha..

    I was discharged at about 7:45pm(SG time). My friend who was also down with food poisoning got discharged first. Ms Jasmine and the team came to fetch my friend and I. *OMG! The bill was so high.. they charged it in USD*.. But well, as the team saw us coming out from the room, they were all filled with peace..

    Thanks to the team, doctor and nurse, now i'm feeling much better.. Still recovering but I believe i'll have a speedy recovery.

    Looking forward to my 3rd day in Cambodia.. I really miss the kids over at Hagar Sch!

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Cambodia Day 1
    Wednesday, November 18, 2009

    It's was a great experience here in cambodia.. Can't believe I'm all the way here in Cambodia blogging.. I miss everyone especially the 2 Ens.. Hahahahah...

    Day 1 was not a bad one.. We went to visit the cambodian market(Russian Market). Hahaha.. Great experience there.. But didnt quite like the place.. It was too squeezy, stuffy and dirty..
    Alright! By mid day my body is half full of rashes.. GEEK!!! RUI EN LUCKILY U SAVE ME..
    I keep apply creams and sun-block, but still by now, My body is full of rashes... Hope it heals a little by tmr..

    I'm surviving on cup noodles and milo.. Hahaha.. Went to the supermarket and spent about USD50$.. OMG!! That's like dunno how much in SGD..

    Tmr will be a better day! Great that I had froggie with me.. Can have a good sleep tonight.. Nothing much in cambodia to shop luh.. Haven't really explore yet.. 13more days to go!

    Blog again tmr! =D

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Flying off soon
    Tuesday, November 17, 2009

    12hours later, I will be on the plane... Flying to Cambodia.. OOH!!! Just remind me of Sense of Home.. RUI EN!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! Too bad it different state luh.. How I wish it was Ang Kor Wat.. Hahahah..

    I'll sure enjoy myself.. YAY!!! Just confirm the hotel got connection.. YES!!! OH YA OH YA..
    I wont forget what idol say.. My luaggage is exactly like HER one.. Emergency stuff and INSTANT NOODLES..

    I'm so looking forward to this trip.. Cambodia... 14days.. 1 purpose that is for the kids there..

    It's a work not a holiday.. Hee hee!!

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    Sunday, November 15, 2009



    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---

    1 Year Ago....
    Saturday, November 7, 2009

    It's a special day to me!!! A year ago....... I met HER and that's the start of a change to my life.. I'll never forget, how our eyes get in contact.. How my shyly yet scare voice burst out a soft "Hello". HER words said on this night a year ago was still deeply kept by me..

    Things have been going on well.. I know and I know, there will be many more years to come.. I may not see you this day, this time, but i know we are both living in happiness, cos I have you and will always be with you..

    The things that happened a year ago, was never forgotten by me.. I dont ask for more, I just ask to have many many more years together with you.. You'll always have my support, I'll always be your strong pillars. I'll continue showing you this unconditional love. Thanks for this 1 year together with you.

    This is the day which i'll never forget.. A day I'll forever rememeber... :)

    Luffed by Mich

    ----RUI EN ROCKS---